Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Entropy at the Grand - June 15th, 2011

Come out to join the filmmakers, casts and crews of NYC's most cutting edge shorts the Tribeca Grand Hotel on June 15th for the first Perfect Entropy curated screening in the After Set series. 

Check-in starts at 7 PM with screenings at 7:45 PM.   After the screenings, stay for the Q & A with all filmmakers in attendance and stay even later for drinks with all in attendance.  The suggested donation is $10 for facility costs, but our attendance is the most important gift.

'"Antithesis" by Jon-Carlos Evans
"The Action Hero" by Oliver Mann
"The Beaufort Diaries" by Alexander Petrowsky
"Death & Beauty" by Ezra Peace
"Distortion" by Juan Loney
"information" by Zavé Martojardjono
"Pale Castle" & "Ten/Thirty-One/Ten" by ReVerse Bullets

Make sure to RSVP to perfect.entropy.productions@gmail.com with "Entropy at the Grand" in the subject line.